作者: pinknellie (being-deleted)
標題: hey you..
時間: Fri Dec 6 08:13:11 2002

hey you

how are you?

how are things going around you?

what's the season in your world?

what did you do yesterday?

what will you do today?

what's the color of your shirt?

I was being deleted here
being forced to register a new ID

pinkenellie is still the same

me is still me

you? who are you?

missing you nell
※ Origin: 神秘地帶
◆ From: 21-23.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be
作者: spore (farfarfar)
標題: how r u?
時間: Fri Dec 6 08:35:01 2002

dear clayjar,
how's everything?
i guess u gonna be very surprised to see me here
i am that far-away YaTing.
r u busy in this must-busy year?
what have u been doing?
i wish i could be with u guys when i saw the pix where everyone
wears the graduate costums.
i am fine here;sometimes sick of french,sometimes sick of the rainning days.
anyway,the tranquil and extremely beautiful scenery here can satisfies me
all the time.
wish u lots of smiles everyday.

Far Far Ya Ting
※ Origin: 神秘地帶
◆ From: 21-23.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be
    創作者 muckie0928 的頭像

    carpe diem

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