池袋 – 六本木 – 新宿

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muckie0928 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 06 Thu 2005 01:17
  • 夜奔


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muckie0928 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Sep 23 Fri 2005 18:28
  • 空轉



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The Tapestry of Friendships

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muckie0928 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Sep 06 Tue 2005 23:31
  • SLAP


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照慣例 東摸西摸

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  • Sep 03 Sat 2005 22:15
  • SIHG


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The first day of return came with typhoon Talim. In such a weather it reminded me of some taste i used to enjoyed most. Noodles with canned fish, or canned cucumbers, whatever canned foods, i mean, kinda nostalgia atmosphere that can be brought about only in typhoon days. Though there' no power shortage in my home anymore, but it flooded. We gotta keep alarmed all the time with water coming out from the floor.

Just got to know some new people, nice, cool, and cute. Had good time with these guys in the Talim fool-around-expedion. It's never too crazy, even though the it was whirling and rained more than cats and dogs, ( i suspected it was pouring lions and tigers, though). The car packed to capacity with 6 guyz, i heard the engine mounring. It was fun and always relaxing to hang around with fellow guyz, talk free, think free, and move free.

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i dont mean to get insomnia habitually, just feel like there should be more time spared for soberty. If night is longer than daytiime, i dont mind how dark it would be, nor will i care'bout how much time is left for sleep. The addiction is intentional. Not knowing what i can hold tight in hand, just keep my own way all the time. Disguised or not, i'm still the way i am being. Whatever, whoever, however.

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dont know where to put these. Nowhere will be better than here your space. Maybe it's too late to leave a comment upon your take-off. Wound up with some kinda complexity, sorta hard to make it clear out. What i wanna say is that i really appreciate all the merry moments we spent together. Now u'r flying off to carry out something u have to do, your dreams, maybe. U carry mine, too. For the first time someone's leaving makes me sentimental, though this is not your first time. You always come with ease, leave without repent. Everyone around you is easliy absorbed into ur atmosphere. We can't deny that.
Anyway, congratulations to your new novigation. We know you'll do very well. Keep informed.

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